
18 January, 2015

icon-date3 Sunday, January 18, 2015     icon-folder2   icon-comment2 No comments

Instructions: In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

One Word Substitution Question Paper -2

1) One who possesses many talents

a) Versatile
b) Gifted
c) Exceptional
d) Nubile

✔Answer: Option A

2) A person who knows many foreign languages

a) Linguist
b) Bilingual
c) Polyglot
d) Grammarian

✔Answer: Option A

3) A person pretending to be somebody he is not

a) Liar
b) Rogue
c) Magician
d) Imposter

✔Answer: Option D

4) Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous

a) Exterminate
b) Evacuate
c) answer
d) Avoid

✔Answer: Option B

5) Words inscribed on tomb

a) Epilogue
b) Epitome
c) Epistle
d) Epitaph

✔Answer: Option D

6) Malafide case is one

a) Which is not undertaken at all
b) Which is undertaken in a bad faith
c) Which is undertaken in a good faith
d) Which is undertaken after a long delay

✔Answer: Option B

7) Teetotaller means

a) One who abstains from meat
b) One who abstains from malice
c) One who abstains from taking wine
d) One who abstains from theft

✔Answer: Option C

8) A person interested in collecting, studying and selling of old things

a) Antiquarian
b) Archealogist
c) Crank
d) Junk-dealer

✔Answer: Option A

9) Tending to move away from the centre or axis

a) Centrifugal
b) Awry
c) Axiomatic
d) Centripetal

✔Answer: Option A

10) The custom or practice of having more than one husband at same time

a) Polychromy
b) Polyphony
c) Polyandry
d) Polygyny

✔Answer: Option C


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