
18 January, 2015

icon-date3 Sunday, January 18, 2015     icon-folder2   icon-comment2 No comments

Instructions: In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

One Word Substitution Question Paper -5

1) Study of birds

a) Opthalmology
b) Optology
c) Orology
d) Ornithology

✔Answer: Option D

2) Something that can be heard

a) Audition
b) Auditory
c) Audible
d) Audio-visual

✔Answer: Option C

3) The raison d'etre of a controversy is

a) The unending hostility the parties concerned have towards each other
b) The fitness with which participants handle it
c) The reason or justification of its existence
d) The enthusiasm with which it is kept alive

✔Answer: Option C

4) Study of the evolution of man as an animal

a) Archaeology
b) Anthropology
c) Ethnology
d) Chronology

✔Answer: Option B

5) One who does not believe in existence of god

a) Stoic
b) Atheist
c) Naive
d) Egoist

✔Answer: Option B

6) A person who speaks many languages

a) Bilingual
b) Monolingual
c) Polyglot
d) Linguist


7) Parts of a country behind the coast or a river's banks

a) Archipelago
b) Swamps
c) Hinterland
d) Isthumus

✔Answer: Option C

8) A religious discourse

a) Sanctorum
b) Stanza
c) Preach
d) Sermon

✔Answer: Option D

9) A place where bees are kept in called

a) An apiary
b) A hive
c) A mole
d) A sanctury

✔Answer: Option A

10) A disease of mind causing an uncontrollable desire to steal

a) Magolomania
b) Claustrophobia
c) Kleptomania
d) Schizophrenia

✔Answer: Option C


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